
此次DAS研討會回覆的寶貴意見, 均指向實驗的比較, 評論簡述如下:
1.if their would have been at least some proper citation and elaboration on existing work and if there was some reason why their work was not compared with the existing ones, it should have explained in the paper.
2.If one had simply used the keywords provided by authors (or terms in titles when that’s not available). If so then including that comparison in the experiments would greatly help motivating the approach.
3.The authors should compare the proposed method with some existing methods quantitatively.
和本論文具有相同目的之研究, 在現有的文獻中較難發現, 然而一般作者通常會將自己的重要技術名詞描述成關鍵字, 因此本研究針對focused term recognition實驗部分, 新增keyword-based方法的比較.
Keyword-based 方法主要可以分為以下兩種:
(1) 將文章中的關鍵字視為focused technical term.
(2) Hulth所提出自動擷取關鍵字方法.

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